Our mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed. You can help too.
Your gift can have a huge impact by helping students unlock their potential, gain confidence and understanding to take control of their futures, and equip them to achieve their dreams.
Investing in Junior Achievement is an investment in the lifetime achievements of a student: Household income for JA Alumni is nearly 20% higher than the general population.
Your thoughtfulness to share a recurring gift helps us connect volunteers to students every month. It’s important because up to 92% of students indicated that a JA volunteer helped them realize the importance of staying in school.
Your gift is a vote of confidence for a child’s future and helps them believe in themselves. 25% of students had a favorable change in their locus of control, meaning they realized they had control over their destiny.
When you make a gift to Junior Achievement, you help change the way children believe in themselves: An incredible 41% of students favorably changed their future orientation or attitude toward goal setting.